The new wave of PTC sites like Paidverts

Paidverts a great opportunity to earn! Paidverts provide quite a unique experience in terms of earning. If you do things right, you will really enjoy the results over time.

Paidverts is a new unique PTC unlike all the clones we have become used to over the years. Although its a PTC, the concept is pretty different. It isn’t like your regular PTC site where you go to the View Ads page, click the ad, solve the captcha, wait for the timer and get credited.

Paidverts is an advertising platform that pays you to interact with advertisers.
Paidverts was constructed via crowd funding from My Traffic Value and subsequently owned outright by the My Traffic Value communal portfolio.
You can login to MyTrafficValue using your Paidverts account login information. Your account & earnings can be used across both websites.

You can earn BAP by the following ways.

  1. From your members main page, click on the link to view an account Activation Ad. This will activate your account for 7 days (required to receive any ads at all).
    You also receive 8 x 50 BAP ads daily, until you have clicked on 100 BAP ads in total. At which point it’ll drop down to 2 x 50 BAP ads daily.

The maximum period of account activity is now 21 days. If you view any activation ads beyond that, it’ll just reset your active status counter to 21 days.

  1. Check out the Account Milestones section on your members main page, as your account completes various achievements (viewing ads + referring friends) you can unlock various fixed bonuses of up to 2,000,000 BAP!
  2. You can also earn Bonus Ad Points by purchasing advertisements. Every $1.00 of Bulk Advertising you purchase will add 3100 BAP to your account.

So to summarize:

  1. You have your BAP balance, that you can see here.
  2. With each bonus ad you receive, your BAP balance will be reduced irrespective of whether you interact with the ad (and get paid) or not. You can follow your BAP history here.
  3. To increase your BAP; click on activation ads; complete account milestones; or buy advertising to earn 3100 BAP per dollar spent.Paidverts

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